Weekend Things

Are you one of those people that does tech updates right away or waits until all the kinks get sorted out? I’m usually in the latter camp, unless I’m really excited about something. In this case, I’ve been waiting for Apple’s new Photo update. Why wouldn’t I want my photos absolutely everywhere?! That’s part of the point of the Apple ecosystem anyway, right? To have every single little thing available to me whenever I could possibly want? I have no idea why it hasn’t been like this since the get-go. And so, I updated everything. And I’m pretty sure my laptop is going to have a heart attack now. Le sigh.

This weekend, we took the babe to the Scottsdale Culinary Festival’s Great Arizona Picnic and lounged around, drank some wine, had a few snacks and hung out with friends. We found a perfect spot under the shade in the grass to camp out for a few hours. (We have a handy zip-up picnic blanket, similar to this). And thankfully, this year wasn’t insanely hot like it has been in the past. I threw on this crop topmy lemonade skirt (it just reminds me of a bottle of Pellegrino lemonade, don’t you think?), and these Kate Spade stud earrings. P.S. Both the top and skirt are 40% off right now!

It was also the premier of Game of Thrones…which I want to hear absolutely NOTHING about! We cut the cable and are planning on binge-watching when the season is over so please, please keep your GOT talk to yourselves. Thank you.

I wrapped up Crazy Rich Asians which was a super fun read, and have moved onto The Girl on the Train, which I hear is quite the thriller. It’s pretty fast-paced so far, I’ll let you know if it’s worth picking up but the rave reviews say it is!

How was your weekend?

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